
Chan-Min Liu(刘缠民)

发布者: 张岩行
浏览次数: 148

Name:Chan-Min Liu


Title:Professor. Master Instructor


Educational background

Ph.D. in Chemistry Engineering School of China University of Mining and technology. China.

M.S. in Zoology, Life Science College of Shaanxi Normal University. China.

B.S. in Biology, Life Science College of Shaanxi Normal University. China.

Visiting scholars, Medicine and Biology School of University of Virginia, Virginia Province,USA



Teacher in Life Science College of Jiangsu Normal University. China.


Study scope

Toxicology;Pharmacology;Natural product; Biochemistry;Pathology;Ethnobotanical medication and food.



Teaching zoology, zoological experiment, animal biology, animal biology experiment, pharmaceutical technology, pharmaceutical technology experiment, pharmaceutical engineering, chemical engineering principle, field practice and other courses. He participated in and presided over 8 projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Published nearly 30 academic SCI articles.

Research project

Function of A-type dimeric epigallocatechin-3-gallate on lead discharging and it’s mechanism on lead-induced disorder of lipid metabolism. the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20141147),2014.7-2017.6



1.Chanmin Liu*, Jieqiong Ma, Sisi Liu, Zhaojun Feng, Aimin Wang. Puerarin protects mouse liver against nickel-induced oxidative stress and inflammation associated with the TLR4/p38/CREB pathway. Chemico-Biological Interactions 2016, 243: 29-34.

2.Chanmin Liu*, Jieqiong Ma, Wanru Xie, Sisi Liu, Zhaojun Feng, Guihong Zheng, Aimin Wang. Quercetin protects mouse liver against nickel-induced DNA methylation and inflammation associated with the Nrf2/HO-1 and p38/STAT1/NF-κB pathway. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2015,82: 19–26.

3.Chanmin Liu*, Jieqiong Ma, Sisi Liu, Guigong Zheng, Zhaojun Feng, Jianmei Sun. Proanthocyanidins improves lead-induced cognitive impairments by blocking endoplasmic reticulum stress and nuclear factor-jB-mediated inflammatory pathways in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology, 2014, 72: 295–302.

4.Chanmin Liu*, Guihong Zheng, Qinglei Ming, Chao Cheng, Jianmei Sun. Sesamin protects mouse liver against nickel-induced oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis by the PI3K-Akt pathway. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2013, 61(5):1146−1154..

5.Chanmin Liu *, Guihong Zheng, Qinglei Ming, Jianmei Sun, Chao Cheng. Protective effect of quercetin on lead-induced oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress in rat liver via the IRE1/JNK and PI3K/Akt pathway. Free Radical Research. 2013, 47(3): 192-201.

6、Chanmin Liu *, Guihong Zheng, Chao Cheng, Jianmei Sun. Quercetin Protects Mouse Brain against Lead-Induced Neurotoxicity. J Agric Food Chem. 2013, 61, 7630−7635.

7.Chanmin Liu *, Guihong Zheng, Qinglei Ming, Jianmei Sun, Chao Cheng. Protective effect of puerarin on lead-induced mouse cognitive impairment via altering activities of acetyl cholinesterase, monoamine oxidase and nitric oxide synthase. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology2013, 33(4): 464-470.

8.Chanmin Liu *, Yunzhi Sun, Jianmei Sun, Jieqiong Ma, Chao Cheng. Protective role of quercetin against lead-induced in flammatory response in rat kidney through the ROS-mediated MAPKs and NF-κB pathway. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-General Subjects2012, 1820(10): 1693-1703.

9.Chanmin Liu *, Jieqiong Ma, Yunzhi Sun. Puerarin protects rat kidney from lead-induced apoptosis by modulating the PI3K/Akt/eNOS pathway. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology2012, 258(3): 330-342.

10.Chanmin Liu *, Jieqiong Ma, Yunzhi Sun. Puerarin protects the rat liver against oxidative stress-mediated DNA damage and apoptosis induced by lead. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 2012, 64(6): 575-582.

11.Chanmin Liu *, Jieqiong Ma, Yunzhi Sun. Protective role of puerarin on lead-induced alterations of the hepatic glutathione antioxidant system and hyperlipidemia in rats. Food and Chemical Toxicology. 2011, 49(12): 3119-3127.

12.Chanmin Liu *, Jieqiong Ma, Yunzhi Sun. Chronic administration of troxerutin protects mouse kidney against D-galactose-induced oxidative DNA damage. Food and Chemical Toxicology2010, 48(10): 2809-2817.

13.Chanmin Liu, Yuanlin Zheng *, Jun Lu, Zifeng Zhang, Shaohua Fan, Dongmei Wu, Jieqiong Ma. Quercetin protects rat liver against lead-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2010, 29(2): 158–166.

14.Chanmin Liu*, Jieqiong Ma, Yunzhi Sun. Quercetin protects the rat kidney against oxidative stress-mediated DNA damage and apoptosis induced by lead. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 2010, 30(3): 264-271.

15.Jieqiong Ma, Chanmin Liu*, Zhihong Qin, Jihong Jiang. Cellular and molecular mechanisms of the ganoderma applanatum extracts induces apoptosis on SGC-7901 Gastric canaer cells. Cell Biochemistry & Function., 2011,29(2): 175-182.

16.Jieqiong Ma, Chanmin Liu *, Zhihong Qin, Jihong Jiang, Yunzhi Sun. Ganoderma applanatum terpenes protect mouse liver against benzo(α)pyren-induced oxidative stress and inflammation. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 2011, 31(2): 460–468.

17.Guihong Zheng, Chanmin Liu *, Jianmei Sun, Zhaojun Feng, Chao Cheng. Nickel-induced oxidative stress and apoptosis in Carassius auratus liver by JNK pathway. Aquatic Toxicology2014, 147,105– 111.

18.Jieqiong Ma *, Jie Ding, Li Zhang, Chanmin Liu. Hepatoprotective properties of sesamin against CCl4-induced oxidative stress-mediated apoptosis in mice via JNK pathway. Food and Chemical Toxicology2014, 64,41–48.