
11月16日 Charles R. Marshall教授(16877太阳集团研究生学术节系列报告)

发布者: 宋凤琴
浏览次数: 18

报 告 人:Charles R. Marshall 教授

报告题目:Five paleobiological laws needed to understand the evolution of the living biota.





  Charles R. Marshall,美国加州科学院院长、加州大学伯克利分校生物学系终身讲席教授、加州大学伯克利分校自然历史博物馆馆长、加州大学伯克利分校古生物博物馆馆长、国际顶级学术期刊SCIENCE杂志编委。主要研究方向为应用数学建模与计算机模拟分析,结合现代生物与古生物数据,研究地球生物多样性的起源与演化。在ScienceNaturePNAS等国际顶级学术期刊发表研究论文30余篇。Marshall教授的研究成果为人类了解生物多样性的形成与演化、物种的出现与灭绝与气候环境变化的关系、地球生态系统变迁等重大科学问题做出了卓越贡献。


  The foundations of several disciplines can be expressed as simple quantitative laws, for example, Newton’s laws or the laws of thermodynamics. Here I present five laws derived from fossil data that describe the relationships among species extinction and longevity, species richness, origination rates, extinction rates and diversification. These statements of our palaeobiological knowledge constitute a dimension largely hidden from view when studying the living biota, but are nonetheless crucial to the study of evolution and ecology even for groups with poor or non-existent fossil records. These laws encapsulate: the critical fact of extinction; that species are typically geologically short-lived, and thus that the number of extinct species typically dwarfs the number of living species; that extinction and origination rates typically have similar magnitudes; and, that significant extinction makes it difficult to infer much about a clade’s early history or its current diversity dynamics from the living biota alone. Although important strides are being made to integrate these core palaeontological findings into our analysis of the living biota, this knowledge needs to be incorporated more widely if we are to understand their evolutionary dynamics.